躍起奮進 堅持朝陽價值—董事長楊天生27周年校慶講話
- 大家好!
- 很高興又是一年一度的校慶時分,本人藉此機會,想跟各位分享一些感想心得:有些人因疫情肆虐,而對未來抱持著悲觀看法,也有人在逆境中儲備精力,等待黎明到來;商周學院曾在其臉書發表「深蹲,再躍起」的觀念,在逆境中練功,等待局勢反彈時,後續才有強勢崛起的機會,這同樣也是「朝陽」價值之所在。逆境中勇於突破,低潮中持續奮進,方是本校的立校價值與辦學理念之體現!
- 嚴長壽先生在一次專訪中談到:「堅持,比片刻的熱情更重要」,這也正是天生希望朝陽教職同仁與同學可以擁有之特質:困境中永保奮鬥之勇氣與毅力,並且與時俱進,適當調整對策以因應環境。很多人選定了目標後,才發覺路途上佈滿艱辛與障礙,在一次又一次衝擊和消磨之後,喪失了原本初衷;請謹記:鑽石之所以璀璨,乃在於它能承受一次又一次切割,方能流傳百年。同樣的,人也需要一次又一次的砥礪與淬鍊,方可顯現出其真實本領!
- 以上是我個人對於本次校慶的談話,歡迎各位貴賓同樂共享朝陽的溫馨及喜悅。最後祝福大家平安健康、家庭圓滿,謝謝!
Bounce up, Forge ahead and Keep on the spirit of CYUT 27th Anniversary Speech by Dr. Tien-Shen Yang, Chairman of Trustee Board, CYUT
- Hello Everyone!
- I am very glad that the time for the school anniversary has come again. I would like to take this opportunity to share some of my thoughts with you.
- People have different reactions to the COVID 19 pandemic. Some are feeling pessimistic, but some are always getting prepared and waiting for the dawn to come. The “Business Weekly Learning” has once posted in its Facebook the concept of “Squat Jump”. Only those who keep on learning and strengthening in times of adversity could attain success when the circumstance rebounds. This is exactly the core value of “Chaoyang”. Having the courage to break through and keep on striving during hard times is a demonstration of the school founding value and running philosophy.
- “Perseverance is much more important than moment of enthusiasm,” Mr. Stanley Yen said in one of his interviews. This is also the trait that I wish all faculty members and students of Chaoyang could have: be courageous and persevering in difficulties, keep up with the times and change as conditions change. Many people lost their faith on the road to their destination because it is full of unexpected hardship and obstacles that they felt being defeated. Please remember that diamond does not come overnight, but after countless stress and cuts to make it sparkling and everlasting. Similarly, our talents will eventually shine when all the rough times are gone.
- That is all for my school anniversary speech. Welcome all distinguished guests to share the warmth and happiness of Chaoyang. Finally, may I wish you peace, good health and a blessed family. Thank you!